Weapons for Zombies and Vampires
In medieval times it was very fashionable to fight any kind of evil - witches, vampires, and nowadays the most popular enemies of humanity have become zombies. With empty hands suprotiv they do not go - afraid, yes, and force will not be enough ... I had to make tools for self-defense. There are also tools included in the kit for survival in conditions of an attack this very evil spirits? Take a look.

This ancient Gizmo from Transylvania, was recently sold on Ebay for a million dollars. The TV thing - One wooden hammer (6.5 inches in length), four 6-inch aspen cola, each in the form of a cross with the crucifixion on it), a wooden hammer, to which a small pridelan Holy Cross, in the list of contents is also included: prayer in the old Romanian, crucifix, knife and eight bottles with holy water, a handful of the holy land, the anointing oil, garlic, red serum, blue serum and secret potion. This quick set of vampires created a Romanian monk from Transylvania in the period 1870-1890.

There is a myth - who is able to read from this book, he will be able to defeat the dark forces, demons, vampires and other demonic creatures.

Knife 13.1 inches long with a metal handle. It is made of heavy metal, and made for throwing. Always striking a target sharp end. At knife Gothic ornament and detail in canines. Thus, in a metal box is a syringe. It can be used to introduce liquid garlic essence or covert whey into vampires. On the syringe a small cross made of silver. The syringe can withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius.

Cross is very old, with one beautiful black stone. Metal forceps used in the past for the removal of teeth vampire.

Some experts argue that such sets of vampires were very common in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries among travelers to Eastern Europe, especially in the Carpathians. Anyone can ask for a set at the hotel, where he stopped. Others argue that the kits have appeared in the twentieth century in America and are nothing more than romantic curiosities.

This is modern.

Rather immobilized than something useful. But looks impressive. Set for an emergency defense against zombies
